
Mr. 沃克在海洋化学服务处工作了大约43年. 目前,他正处于美国国家消防协会(NFPA)认证海洋化学家(CMC)的第七个五年重新认证期,并持有易燃低温液体载体(FCLC: LNG)的特别背书, 液化石油气).

Mr. Walker has served on both the 海洋化学家 Association (MCA) Executive Committee (ExCom; once as the Atlantic Coast delegate and the other as the National Chairman) and the 海洋化学家 Qualification Board (MCQB) for initially certifying and recertifying CMCs; as well as on the Virginia Ship Repair Association (VSRA, representing Suppliers) and the Virginia Ship Repair Foundation (VSRF; Chairperson as of 10/20). Mr. 沃克目前是NFPA 51B焊接防火标准的主要MCA代表, 切割, and Other Hot Work; NFPA 350 Guide for Confined Space Entry and Work; and alternate MCA representative on the NAVSEA Standard Specification for Ship Repair and Alteration Committee (SSRAC). Mr. 他还持有Virginia Tech的化学学士学位和Old Dominion University的分析化学硕士学位.